Some Facts about Marijuana

Marijuana is a gray or green mix of dried and shredded flowers plus leaves of the bang plant Cannabis sativa. Actually, there are more than 200 slang terms for it. Street names are pot, herb, weed, boom, ganja, hash, grass, widow, Mary Jane, cannabis, northern lights, bubble gum, fruity juice, afghani #1, skunk, gangster, and chronic. Among the other facts about marijuana is the info that it's a mind-altering drug that ranks as the famous illegal drug that is used in the United States of America....

How To Beat A Drug Test

Obviously, your best bet is to be drug free at the time of the test. I would recommend two months of drug abstinence before the drug test. Drug retention periods are as follows: CompoundApprox. Retention Amphetamines20-25 days Barbituates10-14 days Cocaine2-4 days Ethyl Alcohol1-2 days LSD20-40 days Marijuana14-30 days Methaqualone14-21 days Opiates10-14 days Phenocyclidine (PCP)10-14 days Note: Length of retention varies because of many factors, including bodyweight, metabolism, body fat...

Studies of Marijuana Depression

Teenagers and children smoking marijuana have a much higher risk of developing marijuana depression, although whether this drug itself is blaming is not clear. Some studies have proved a link between marijuana usage and risks of depression as well as anxiety disorders, though others have failed to prove this association. Besides, it has been unintelligible if marijuana use itself, or other circumstance, is responsible for it. To study it, researchers used info collected from about 85,000 adults...

Possible Dangers of Marijuana

The most noticeable effects of marijuana usage can be observed in long- and short-term memory loss, typically called "stoner syndrome," that makes retaining info or conducting complex assignments very problematic if not impossible. Constant long-term usage of the drug causes a loss of brain functioning similar to people 2.5 times your present age. The Dangers of Marijuana: The Short-Term Harm Actually, difficulty recalling events, and even ones, which just took place within the past few minutes,...

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms: Think Twice Before Trying

Marijuana is not heroin, but have some risk of addiction, risk of increasing a tolerance as well as experiencing the withdrawal symptoms with drug cessation. Marijuana detox and marijuana withdrawal is not perilous but it can be uneasy, and this can be hard to defeat the cravings back to utilize and abuse. Lots of people can utilize marijuana recreationally with no dependency issues development, but many cannot, and it's not ridiculous to search for professional assistance in case you have difficulty...