Marijuana stays in your system 3–100 days after smoking. The amount of time your organism needs for detoxification depends on how often you smoke and your personal metabolism rate. Of course, you can try some methods to speed up the process. Here's how to get weed out of your system fast.

Drink a lot
Increasing the fluid intake is a well-known part of detoxification programs. It is not known for sure if clear water helps flush out THC (the chemical component of marijuana that is detected by the most drug tests). However, it’s a proven fact that the increased intake of fluid can boost metabolism. As an alternative to clear water, cranberry juice can be an effective component of detoxification programs.
Whereas THC is stored in fat cells, workout can help you burn fat and release the chemicals stored in your system. Jogging, swimming, dancing or biking can help you get pot out of your system faster. By the way, exercising and sweating will also encourage you to drink more, following the previous tip.
Eat veggies
A healthy diet can help you improve your digestive processes. On the other hand, avoiding fatty foods, you help your body speed up the detoxification processes.
Take herbal supplements
Green or herbal teas, just like psyllium seeds or cayenne can make you healthier and support your liver in detoxifying your systems. There is no evidence that herbal supplements can have direct effects on flushing our marijuana. However, the improved health, as the result of supplements intake, can boost the detoxification processes.
Sweating is good for detoxification and metabolic processes. So, along with exercising, you can consider any other activities that make you sweat, such as sauna and sunbathing, for example.
In general, making your lifestyle healthier can help you get weed out of your system faster. However, you should not expect miraculous effects from any of these methods. Remember that it takes 3-7 days to get rid of THC if you’re an occasional smoker, 5-14 days if you're a regular smoker and it can take up to 100 days in some extreme cases.
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