Niacin helps to clean the body system of impurities and break down fat and cholesterol. Owing to this there is a conception that it will delete THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) from the body. In fact, THC is the main psychoactive substance that is found in marijuana, the cannabis plant. A lot of employees and job seekers take large doses in order to pass their niacin drug test.

They do so to filter their body system before taking an employee drug test. Also, people seek to beat their employment drug screening tests by means of using large niacin amounts, especially in their drug screening tests for marijuana.
Though, there is no approval that using niacin in order to pass their drug test works. Also. taking large niacin doses for drug tests may result in serious problems caused by overdosing. Some studies demonstrate that attempting to pass a niacin drug test will not work. Some research also demonstrates that niacin will have no impact on the tetrahydrocannabinol metabolites in the urine. Actually, niacin taken in the doses over two grams per a day can put an employee or job seeker at risk of the damage of the liver.
Higher niacin doses will have some serious side effects. For example, skin rash, skin itch and flush, high blood sugar, dry skin and abdominal problems.
Besides, these are some problems that can come from niacin overdosing. Actually, the excellent way to cleanse your body system from drugs that all employers test for is avoiding consuming them! There are lots of drug testing kits products providing clean drug testing by hiding the drug presence in your body system.
You should know that drinking a lot of water in order to flush your system from drugs is a myth. The only proper way to clean your body system is to wait for till it will be metabolized. The time a drug is detected in the body is the drug abuse detection time.
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