Hair drug tests are regarded as highly accurate at demonstrating any drugs of abuse, prescription drugs, and even nicotine smoking having been used in a detection window.

As hair grows out a drug used is enclosed in the hair shaft, that is why the longer your hair, the longer your drug history that a drug testing lab can go.
How defilement takes place: Prescription or controlled substances are swallowed. Your body system "metabolizes" the material and trace these "metabolites", via the blood, become caught the strands in amounts sharply proportional to the amount of the ingested substance. These metabolites stay in the strands when it grows and can't be deleted without ruining the strands. Analysis can detect the metabolites and provide info of quantity used as well as the historic example of use. Use can be identified for months or years under ideal circumstances.
How to pass a hair follicle drug test?The shaft consists of 3 layers. The inner (first) layer is the medulla. The following layer is the cortex. The cortex comprises of the majority of the shaft. It is also formed by very tightly packed scales similar to roof shingles in an overlapping structure. The metabolites are actually deposited in the cortex layer because it feeds the contaminated blood off and grows. The outer (last) layer is the cuticle. You can use for example, a hair follicle drug test shampoo to pass a test.
How the lab analysis works: A sample is got from any part of your body. It means that shaving the head won't work as under arm and pubic samples may be used. Actually, the sample is taken and then cut it into small pieces. It is steeped in a solvent causing the metabolites to go into some intermission. The solution is put in a centrifuge and then is separated. The sample is subjected to analysis, and the outcomes are read and a conclusion is made.
Useful Info:HAIR (drugs of abuse) - This method is becoming more popular in certain industries. The effectiveness of this testing is determined significantly by the laboratory that is used for this testing. Not all labs are equal in this area and careful research needs to be done in selecting a hair-testing lab. Hair testing generally will provide no useful information in a post-accident or reasonable cause testing. It takes on average 5-7 days for hair that has been exposed to drugs in the blood stream to grow to a length where it can be harvested, tested and reveals the presence of drugs in the hair shaft. It is common to hear talk about hair follicle testing. This is a misnomer. The follicle is not tested. In order to perform follicle testing, it would require pulling the hair out by the roots. Most donors would not submit to that process. Hair testing has some merit in efforts to detect long term drug use. A two inch bundle of hair will generally look at about 2 months worth of history. Depending upon the methods used by the laboratory in testing the hair, they may not be able to detect infrequent or single use during this period of time. There is also some controversy about the effects of chemically treated hair (dye, perming, straightening, etc), and that there may be a racial bias with certain types of hair. There is also the issue as to what procedures you should follow if the donor is bald, shaves his head, or has close cropped hair (2 inch bundle is not available). In no case should a negative hair test invalidate a positive urine test, or should a negative urine test invalidate a positive hair test. They can provide corroborating evidence, but not discounting evidence. This tends to be an expensive process.
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